
Binary patterns appear as + (1) and . (0) in the donut
Examples: A = .....+ (1) B = ....+. (2) C = ....++ (3)
Attempts: 0
Reveals: 0/2
Hints: 0/3

1. Observe the binary patterns (+/.) that appear in the ASCII donut. Each pattern represents a letter's position in the alphabet.

2. The cipher sequence contains encrypted values that correspond to positions in the solution. These values have been transformed using a multi-layered encryption formula.

3. The encryption includes shift, rotation, and inversion operations on letter positions.

4. Use the binary patterns to identify letters, then reverse-engineer the formula to place them in the correct order.

5. The formula follows the pattern of (n×k+s+p) mod 26 + 1, with inversion applied to specific positions.